SHS Talon





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



SHS Talon(圖1)-速報App

View articles from the student run website more conveniently, as well as messages from the official Twitter feeds of Sharon High School and the Talon. Also view Eagle News!

Thank you to Icons8 for icons.


Does not work on WiFi only tablets.


3/9/2015- Added Card UI, Added Talon RSS

3/11/2015- Added Material Design

SHS Talon(圖2)-速報App

3/14/2015- Fixed RSS Listings

3/15/2015- UI Improvements

3/16/2015- UI Improvements

3/17/2015- Major UI improvements

3/21/2015- Fixed Pre-Lollipop Crashes

5/3/2015- Fixed Connection Crashes, Added Splash Screen, Bug Fixes

5/4/2015- Fixed More Connection Crashes

SHS Talon(圖3)-速報App

5/8/2015- Added Progress Bar to Internal Browser

5/9/2015- Styling Changes, Bug Fixes

5/10/2015- Styling Changes

5/12/2015- Added Categories

5/17/2015- Added Description and Date

5/17/2015- Color Changes

5/20/2015- UI Changes

SHS Talon(圖4)-速報App

5/21/2015- UI Changes

5/24/2015- UI Changes

5/25/2015- Added School Twitter Feed

5/31/2015- Added YouTube Implementation for Eagle News.

6/12/2015- Added Thumbnails for Blog Posts

6/18/2015- Added Swipe to Refresh

6/20/2015- Added New Layout for Blog

SHS Talon(圖5)-速報App

6/20/2015- Added New Icon

6/21/2015- UI Changes

6/24/2015- Added Notifications [Optional]

6/27/2015- Added Variation in Blog Feed

6/29/2015- Added New User Interface

6/30/2015- Added New User Interface and Settings

8/20/2015- Added UI Changes

SHS Talon(圖6)-速報App

10/1/2015- Bug Fixes

10/4/2015- Updated for New Website

12/8/2015- New Logo

1/16/2016- Eagle News now shows Eagle News

4/7/2016- Eagle News now shows Eagle News

4/10/2016- Added Emoji Support and Removed Categories

Thanks to Beta testers:

SHS Talon(圖7)-速報App

Anthony Vo

Jeffrey Gao

Kishan Kolur

Max Avratin

Nate Hirsh

Shalin Patel

SHS Talon(圖8)-速報App